Die Cutting
This process involves a wood rule tool being forced through the material in a similar way to pastry cutting, but using hydraulic presses with massive pressure.
This is the most common method used for cutting shapes from soft flat sheet or roll material. We have a wide range of presses and are capable of cutting both large and small components at competitive rates.
We have a vast range of stock materials for a multitude of applications & delivery times are excellent. Small batches are possible & manufacture is to a tolerance of +/-0.25mm.

Water Jet Cutting
This is the most modern process & has involved us in major investment in state of the art machines. It utilises water & abrasives which are mixed to create a fine beam of fluid that will cut through almost any material. The water is compressed to 4000 bar, (60,000 psi) and then forced through a directional nozzle which is controlled by a CAD/CAM system. This allows complex nesting on our cutting path saving valuable material.
Abrasives can be added to ensure that the cut is swift and smooth, with minimal edge burring and no material distortion when cutting hard materials. We can use this process to cut any material from paper, rubber, foam through to stainless steel, aluminium, marble & ceramics.
The key benefits of this process include no tooling, no material distortion or discolouration, no product burring, accuracy to within 0.1mm and suitability to both small & long runs.
We can use water jet cutting with polished surfaces and for materials up to 100mm thick. Tight radii cuts can be achieved accurately & reliably and cost savings result through complex nesting of the same or different components.
Log Slitting & Stripping
Log slitting is a process where rolls of rubber or sponge double sided tapes are converted from very wide master rolls into rolls of your desired width without the need to unroll and re roll the master roll. The log is placed on the machine and split as it rotates. The width required can be programmed in to allow automatic operation.
Stripping is the same job but having to unroll the master material before sending it through a row of rotating blades set at the required width. This is a much more labour intensive operation.
Our investment in state of the art equipment from rapid cutting auto presses to 2mtr x 900mm bed cutting presses will ensure that you are always supplied with first class products, yet at very competitive rates.